GNOME Usability Testing

Introduction to GNOME GNOME is an international project that aims to develop software frameworks for the development of software, to program end-user applications based on these frameworks, and to coordinate efforts for internationalization and localization and accessibility of that software. It is the default desktop environment on many major Linux distributions including Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu, SUSE Linux Enterprise, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Oracle, Linux, Scientific Linux, SteamOS, Tails, Kali Linux, Antergos and Endless OS. It also defaults on Solaris and Unix operating system.

GNOME is available in two different sessions, one is based on the GNOME Panel and Metacity (Window Manager) which is the default session provided by SUSE Linux Enterprise, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Oracle Linux, Scientific Linux and Solaris due to its stability and Desktop-friendly user experience, it is called GNOME Flashback or GNOME Classic. The other one is based on GNOME Shell and Mutter (Window Manager) which is the session which has a Mobile-friendly UI and UX and uses more RAM and CPU due to use of JavaScript for GNOME Shell and its extensions.

GNOME Usability Testing

 Am going to identify different software’s in Linux platform and discuss their tasks.

1. Marker
This is a markdown editor for the Linux desktop which can be used for making notes. It has so many features which can be customized for example you can add diagrams. The primary goal of the Marker is to provide a powerful document editing experience, without making assumptions about the workflow of the user. Marker's base configuration is very simple, but it can be customized to meet the needs of any workflow. Some of its features include.

1. Live HTML preview
2.Customizable CSS and Syntax themes
3.Support for \KaTeXKATEX math formulas
4.Support for Mermaid flow charts, sequence diagrams, and Gantt diagrams
5. Support for Charter line graphs, scatter plots and bar graphs
6.Integrated sketch window for adding hand-drawn diagrams and signatures to documents.
7.Flexible export options.PDF, RTF, ODT, DOCX, LaTeX

2. Hammond 
This is used for broadcast, it has a modern customized user interface and one can subscribe to his/her favorite broadcast and you can play them using your favorite media player.

3.Hydra Paper
This is a wallpaper management for GNOME. It allows the user to make and customize a wallpaper that will fit the screen resolution for the display. It has more amazing options for setting the wallpaper.

4. KeePassXC 
This is an open source software which is secure to store passwords and other sensible data. It’s mainly a password manager but it can be more than that. You can create a simple file in your desk and from there you can store all your confidential data and even attachments. It also integrates very well with your browser. If you want to sync the database across all your devices you can use a cloud service of your preference.

5. Matrix
 Is an open network for secure and decentralization? It’s a protocol for potentially a form of communication including chatbot and file transfer. It has two clients which are Riot and Fractal. You can find much of the Matrix data from there organization.


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